New York Voter Registration 2024: A Complete Guide

To vote in New York, you must register before the deadline. Registration deadlines for Village, Primary, Special, and General Elections vary. There are also deadlines for making changes to your registration, such as address changes or party enrollment.

Special Election Registration Deadline February 11, 2025:

  • Mail Registration: Your application must be received by February 1, 2025.
  • In-Person Registration: You can register at the Board of Elections office by February 1, 2025.

Eligibility Requirements to Register to Vote in New York:

  • You are a United States citizen.
  • You are 18 years old (you can pre-register at 16 or 17 but cannot vote until you are 18).
  • You are a resident of the state and the county, city, or village for at least 30 days before the election.
  • You are not a convicted felon currently incarcerated for a felony.
  • You have not been adjudged mentally incompetent by a court.
  • You do not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

You can download and print the voter registration form. Complete the form legibly and accurately. Note: When downloading the Voter Registration form in English or Spanish, the default printer settings may be set to legal paper size (8.5 x 14 inches). Please adjust this setting if you do not have this paper type to avoid your application being rejected. After printing the form, sign it in blue or black ink. Only original signatures are acceptable. No digitally created signatures or portable document file signatures (e.g., Adobe Acrobat) are acceptable.

The Voter Registration form can be used to:

  • Change your name or address on your voter registration.
  • Enroll in a political party.
  • Change your party enrollment (Note: An application to change party enrollment for a primary election in any year must be received by the board of elections by February 14th of that year. Party changes received on or after February 15th will be held until seven days after the June primary election).
  • Pre-register to vote if you are 16 or 17 years old.

To request a Voter Registration card please contact 914-995-5700 or visit the office at 25 Quarropas Street, White Plains, NY to request one in person.

To cancel your voter registration, you must mail a letter to the Board of Elections requesting cancellation. The letter must contain an original signature; emailed copies are not acceptable. You may also cancel your registration by using the Cancellation of Registration Affidavit Form listed below.

New York Election Law (5-508) permits victims of domestic violence to register confidentially by submitting a sworn statement to the board of elections stating that they are a victim of domestic violence and that they wish their voter registration records to be kept confidential because of a threat of physical or emotional harm to themselves or a family or household member. Their voter registration records will be kept separate from other registration records for four years and not made available for inspection or copying by the public or any other person except election officials acting within the scope of their official duties. Under a separate provision of law (11-306), they may also be excused from attending their polling place to vote and receive a special ballot.

You can find more information at the New York State Board of Elections website.


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