Voter Pre-Registration: A Guide for Under 18

Pre-registering to vote before turning 18 varies by state and territory. Most states offer flexible options to fit voter registration and voting into your schedule and individual needs.

Each state and territory sets its own rules for voter registration. You may:

There is no national voter registration deadline. In some states, the last day to register is 30 days before Election Day. In other states, you can register on Election Day. Election Day refers to any election (local, state, or national).

Each state and territory sets its own rules regarding voter ID. In most states, you must bring identification to vote in person and provide ID information when you vote by mail.

You can get an ID card at your state’s motor vehicle office, even if you don’t drive. You will need to pay to receive an ID card, but there are organizations that can help you with ID-related fees.

You don’t need a voter registration card to vote.

Most people who vote on Election Day must vote in person at a polling place. When you arrive at the polling place, you will find election workers ready to assist you. You will vote by making selections on a paper ballot or by using an electronic device.

Polling place opening and closing times vary by jurisdiction. Check with your state or local election office if you have any questions about your polling place.

Some polling places open before Election Day. Check if your state or territory allows early in-person voting or check with your state or local election office for early voting dates and rules in your area.

Some states conduct elections entirely by mail. Others allow you to request an absentee ballot if you cannot vote in person or simply prefer to vote by mail. Each state has its own guidelines, so check if you are eligible to vote by mail in your state.

How to Return Your Ballot by Mail:

  • By Mail: In some states and territories, ballots come with a prepaid return envelope. In other places, you need to add postage to your envelope before mailing. Be sure to completely fill out your return envelope before sending.
  • Drop Box or In-Person: You don’t need a stamp if you return your ballot to a local election office or an official ballot drop box. Many people use drop boxes, but their locations and availability can vary. Check with your local election office to find the nearest drop box.

Learn how your vote affects your community so you can make informed decisions.

Many election offices post sample ballots online. Some also provide information online or by mail about candidates and ballot measures. Check your state or local election website for more information.

Support your community by becoming a paid poll worker. The duties of poll workers vary depending on where you live. Many local election offices have poll workers perform tasks such as:

  • Setting up the polling place
  • Greeting voters
  • Verifying voter registration
  • Handing out ballots
  • Helping voters use voting equipment
  • Explaining voting procedures

As a poll worker, you will be paid for your time. Pay varies depending on location.


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