Register My HP Warranty & Claim My HP Deal

I purchased a laptop with a 3-year warranty on on May 22, 2022.

At the time, I completed the warranty registration on this page and the form stated I would receive an email in 3-4 weeks.

I did not receive any email after checking multiple times over those months, including in my spam folder.

I tried resubmitting the warranty registration form, but I received the same response and ultimately no email or information about the warranty.

About a year ago (Around September 2023), my computer started experiencing a hardware-related issue. I tried registering the warranty again. Same thing… the form requests to wait 3-4 weeks for an email that never arrives.

I also registered the laptop with my online account at but there’s no way to view this extended warranty or add it. There is no way to contact support regarding this issue. No phone number, non-working forms, no contact person, nothing.

How can I register my warranty (Register My Hp Deal) and proceed with the warranty support that I paid for?

Today I tried registering the warranty again, hoping that the form might work this time, at but the form wouldn’t even submit! The error in the console is “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED”.

The hardware issue I am experiencing is:

The mouse pointer moves and clicks on its own. I’ve done all of the software-related fixes found online such as: updating drivers, changing touchpad sensitivity, updating BIOS, disabling pen drivers, disabling touchscreen entirely, etc. and it only continues when the touchpad is enabled. This is a hardware issue with the touchpad (also reported by others with the same model) and needs to be replaced.


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