Registering to vote in North Carolina is a prerequisite for participating in elections. The process, often referred to as “Nc Register To Vote,” is straightforward and offers several convenient options.
North Carolina DMV customers can register to vote online. This is a quick and easy way to complete your “NC register to vote” application.
Alternatively, you can download the “NC register to vote” form in English or Spanish. After completing the form, sign and mail the original to your county board of elections. The mailing address for the Orange County Board of Elections is: PO Box 220, Hillsborough, NC 27278.
The voter registration deadline is 25 days before Election Day. If you miss the deadline, you can still register and vote during the one-stop early voting period, provided you have proof of residency. If you only need to update your current voter registration in Orange County you may submit your form by fax or email in addition to mailing and in-person options.
To be eligible to vote in Orange County, you must:
- Be a U.S. citizen.
- Be a resident of North Carolina and this county for 30 days prior to the election.
- Be at least 18 years old on or before the next general election.
- Not be registered nor vote in any other county or state.
- Any individual convicted of a felony cannot register or vote until the completion of their sentence, including any period of probation, post-release supervision or parole.
- If you move out of your voting precinct but remain in Orange County, you should notify the board of elections office, in writing, of your new address.
Individuals 16 years of age or older may pre-register to vote. Upon submission to the Board of Elections, these registrations will be processed and held until the applicant is age-eligible to register and vote. The applicant will then be mailed a voter verification card.