The Trademark Register is the official database containing information about registered trademarks. Searching the Trademark Register is a crucial step in determining the availability of a proposed trademark, avoiding duplication, and preventing infringement of intellectual property rights.
The Trademark Center of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) receives new trademark applications, collects filing fees, and provides tools for tracking application progress. As of January 18, 2025, all trademark registration activities are conducted through the Trademark Center.
You must create a account with two-step verification and identity verification before logging into the TEAS and Trademark Center systems to file a trademark application. You can preview TEAS forms without logging in on the USPTO website.
Identity verification is mandatory for account holders to file applications through the trademark registration system. For most users, this one-time verification process can be completed online in less than 15 minutes. The USPTO also offers a paper-based verification process for those who do not wish to verify online.
Before filing a trademark application, applicants should understand the basic process and requirements to avoid errors that can lead to wasted time, money, and legal rights. The USPTO provides detailed guidance documents on the trademark registration process.
For a swift trademark registration process, applicants must provide complete and accurate information in the application, response forms, and post-approval registration documents. Carefully reviewing the guidelines and avoiding common mistakes will save time and effort.
The USPTO provides a comprehensive catalog of trademark application forms, including basic application forms, response forms, intent-to-use forms, post-approval amendment forms, contact and representative forms, petition forms, cancellation or re-examination forms, other forms, and maintenance/renewal/amendment forms.
Users can check current application processing times on the USPTO website. Processing times may vary depending on the application type and USPTO workload.
The Trademark Assistance Center answers questions and provides support to users during the trademark registration process. Users can contact the Trademark Assistance Center by phone or email. For issues related to electronic filing, users can email [email protected].
Most TEAS filings are uploaded to the USPTO’s TSDR system within four to five business days. If the filing does not appear after that time, users should contact the Trademark Assistance Center for assistance.
Users should check server status and system maintenance schedules before beginning the filing process. Eastern Time is used to determine filing deadlines. Any filing received before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time will be considered filed on that day, regardless of the USPTO’s normal business hours.