The Alamance County Register Of Deeds is a public record-keeping office operating under North Carolina law. The office is responsible for the integrity, completeness, accuracy, and security of these records. We are committed to providing professional and courteous service to the citizens of Alamance County. This website provides information regarding the services offered by our office.
The Register of Deeds office only records documents. North Carolina law prohibits Register of Deeds staff from performing legal services. Staff cannot provide legal forms or answer questions regarding the legal effect of documents submitted for recording. Please consult with an attorney if you have any legal questions.
Through this website, citizens can search for real estate information, marriage licenses, and request birth, marriage, or death certificates.
The Alamance County Register of Deeds is David Barber.
Alamance County Register of Deeds David Barber
118 West Harden Street P.O. Box 837 Graham, NC 27253 (336)570-6565 Fax: (336) 570-6562
Contact Numbers:
- Vital Records (Birth, Death, Marriage, Notary): (336) 570-6565 – Ext. 4
- New Document Recording: (336) 570-6565 – Ext. 3
- Registered Land Records: (336) 570-6565 – Ext. 5
- Passport Information: (336) 570-6563
Business Hours (Excluding County Holidays):
Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Document Recording: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Marriage License Issuance: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
The records displayed on this website are unofficial and are provided for informational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the records, the Register of Deeds makes no warranties as to the authenticity or completeness of any record. Any person using this website does so at their own risk for any errors or omissions that may occur. The Register of Deeds, its employees and agents are not liable for any errors or omissions that may occur in these records. Use of this website shall constitute acknowledgment of this disclaimer. Official records of the Alamance County Register of Deeds are on file in the Alamance Register of Deeds office.