Same-day voter registration allows you to register and cast a provisional ballot after the regular registration and voting deadlines.
Same-day voter registration is a newly implemented process that allows eligible voters to register and vote at their polling place on Election Day. This differs from the previous registration process, where the deadline to register ended 21 days before an election. New legislation allows for registration, with some restrictions, within the 21-day period before an election.
A provisional ballot is used for voters whose names do not appear on the registered voter list at their polling place. Provisional ballots are not processed by the ballot counting machine at the time of voting but are reviewed and approved by the local election board before being counted.
After you cast a provisional ballot, the local voter registration office gathers evidence to verify your eligibility and qualifications to vote. The registrar will forward your ballot and the collected information to the election board for review and approval or rejection.
You will be notified of the date, time, and location the local election board will make a determination on your provisional ballot. You have the right to attend this meeting, but your attendance is not required for your ballot to be counted. If your application is approved and there are no other issues, your ballot will be counted. If your ballot is not counted, you will receive written notice from the voter registration office.
Anyone who is eligible to register to vote may be eligible for same-day registration. However, if you were previously registered in a different locality and want to update your registration, you may be eligible to vote a regular ballot instead of the provisional ballot used for same-day registration. The voter registration office or election officials at your polling place can provide more information on eligibility.
You may register to vote on the same day and cast a provisional ballot after the deadline to register to vote has passed. You may register on the same day at the registrar’s office or a satellite location during the early voting period. On Election Day, you must go to the polling place for the precinct in which you reside. To find your polling place, you can search online at the Election Commission website or contact your local voter registration office.