The Buffet RC Prestige A clarinet often suffers from a noisy register tube, particularly in the clarion register around the A above the staff. The F# to high C range is often problematic, with the A being a particular “hot spot.” The B-flat using both register keys can be even more challenging.
The noise is often described as a whooshing, turbulent sound, sometimes a growl or low overtone. This is most pronounced on the B-flat. Reducing the distance between the register key and the tube can lessen the noise, but risks affecting the low B-flat.
Is altering the register key touch for different notes a viable solution? This is difficult, especially in fast passages. This issue seems prevalent with this model. The Tosca A, with its shorter register tube, seems less prone to this problem, but not entirely immune.
Suggested solutions include shortening the register tube or replacing it with a B-flat clarinet’s tube. According to Buffet’s parts catalog, the RC Prestige, R13 Prestige, and Festival A clarinets all use the same register tube, part number F31508.
For B-flat clarinets, the RC Prestige and Festival use part number F31506, while the R13 Prestige uses F31507. Is the F31507 intermediate in length between the other two? Or are there other differences? If replacing the A clarinet’s register tube with a B-flat clarinet’s, which would be more suitable? Shortening a clarinet’s register tube should be done by an experienced technician to ensure effectiveness and avoid damage to the instrument.