Trademark registration costs are calculated based on the number of classes of goods/services in the application. Each application is for a single trademark but can include multiple classes of goods and services. US trademark registration fees depend on three main factors:
- Total number of classes of goods/services: While each application is for one trademark, you can list multiple classes of goods and services.
- Completeness and complexity of the application: Additional fees may apply if the application doesn’t meet requirements or requires more extensive review.
- Basis for filing: If you choose a Section 1(b) (intent-to-use) filing basis, you’ll need to submit additional documents and fees to prove you are actually using the mark in commerce before the mark can register.
For a complete list of trademark fees, including fees for applications and registrations based on Section 66(a), please refer to the USPTO fee schedule.
Basic Filing Fee:
The basic filing fee for each class of goods/services in a Section 1 or Section 44 application is $350 if the application meets all requirements. For example, if your business involves golf apparel, shirts, and t-shirts, all falling under the same international class, the filing fee would be $350 assuming the application meets basic requirements. However, if you also provide custom t-shirt printing services, you would have goods and services in two different international classes. In this case, the filing fee would be $700 ($350 per class).
Currently, there are surcharges for Section 1 and Section 44 applications if they:
- Are missing required information.
- Contain custom descriptions of goods/services.
- Have lengthy descriptions.
These surcharges encourage applicants to file more complete applications, improving examination efficiency and reducing overall processing time.
Surcharge Description | Fee |
Missing information, per class | $100 |
Using the free text box instead of the Trademark ID Manual in an electronic application to identify goods and services, per class | $200 |
Each additional 1,000 characters in the free text box beyond the first 1,000 characters, per affected class | $200 |
Section 1(b) (Intent-to-Use) Application Fees:
In addition to paying the basic filing fee per class and any applicable surcharges, you will need to pay:
- $150 per class when you file an Amendment to Allege Use or a Statement of Use to assert that you are using the mark in commerce.
- $125 per class if you file a request for an extension of time to file a Statement of Use.
Fees to Revive an Abandoned Application:
If your application becomes abandoned for failing to respond timely to an Office action, you may petition to revive the application for a fee of $250.
Maintenance Fees:
After you register your trademark and file your first Statement of Use in the sixth year after registration, you must periodically file certain documents to show that you are continuing to use the mark in commerce.
There is a six-month grace period after the one-year deadline for certain maintenance documents. You can file during the grace period, but you will have to pay an additional fee. If you do not file before the end of the grace period, your registration will be canceled or expire, or your extension of protection to the United States will no longer be in effect (if you filed a basic application or registration through the World Intellectual Property Organization under the Madrid system).
Filing | Fee |
Five-year declaration, per class (also known as a Section 8 or Section 71 declaration of use) | $325 |
Five-year declaration surcharge, per class | $100 |
Five-year declaration, per class combined with incontestability declaration, per class (also known as a combined Section 8 or Section 71 and Section 15 declaration) | $575 |
Ten-year renewal, per class combined with five-year declaration, per class (also known as a combined Section 8 or Section 71 and Section 9 declaration) | $650 |
Ten-year renewal surcharge, per class | $100 |
Incontestability declaration, per class (also known as a Section 15 declaration) | $250 |
Payment Methods:
The USPTO accepts payment in U.S. dollars only. When filing a new trademark application in the Trademark Center, you pay application fees by credit card, debit card, or USPTO deposit account. When filing other forms in the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) and TEASi, you pay using the Financial Manager system. This system allows you to pay with a credit card, debit card, USPTO deposit account, or electronic funds transfer.
In certain circumstances, such as system outages, you may be able to file documents using an alternate filing method and different payment options.
Refunds and Processing Fees:
Generally, the USPTO does not refund fees. Filing an application does not automatically guarantee your trademark will register or, if registered, that it will remain registered indefinitely. There is a $50 processing fee for refused or charged-back payments. This is not a per-class fee. If you have questions about fees or payment methods, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center.