Illinois residents can register to vote online, in person at election authority offices, at driver’s license facilities, with designated deputy registrars in each jurisdiction, or by mail using the Illinois Voter Registration Application available in English and Spanish.
You are eligible to register to vote in Illinois if you are a U.S. citizen, are 18 years old by the next Election Day, and have resided in your precinct for at least 30 days prior to the election.
To register online, you will need your Illinois driver’s license or state ID card issued by the Illinois Secretary of State and your Social Security number. You can also find a list of designated deputy registrars in your area for registration assistance.
The “Registering to Vote in Illinois” booklet outlines the rules and procedures surrounding the voter registration process in Illinois. An individual may register to vote in Illinois if he/she is 18 years of age or older by the next Election Day, resides in the jurisdiction 30 days prior to the election and is a citizen of the United States.
Illinois citizens residing overseas and military personnel may register using the Federal Post Card Application found on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website. Further questions can be answered by utilizing the Military and Overseas Voters Guide. You can also find the Federal Post Card Application and voting assistance information for military personnel and overseas citizens on the Federal Voting Assistance Program website.
Registration closes 27 days before an election. Individuals who miss the deadline may register or transfer their registration at the election authority office under the grace period registration guidelines. However, keep in mind that registration closes 27 days before each election.