If you are a new or returning student, you must complete the admissions application steps before registering for classes. Once you have completed your application, assessment test, orientation, and met with a counselor, check your registration date using the My Mt. SAC Portal under the “Student” tab. You may register for classes using the My Mt. SAC Portal on or after your assigned date and time.
Preparing to register for courses is an important step. Make sure you understand the college’s requirements and have all necessary information ready.
How to Register for Courses:
- Using your username and password, log in to the Mt. SAC Portal.
- Click on the Student Tab.
- Click on Registration.
- Click on Select a Term.
- Enter the five-digit Course Reference Number (CRN) in the area provided for each course you wish to add. You may add up to 10 classes at a time.
- Click Submit Changes after you have entered all your CRNs.
- Your successfully added classes will be displayed, and you can then view your Account Summary and pay your fees online.
How to Add a Closed Class:
- To add a closed class, you must attend the first class meeting and obtain an Add Authorization Code from the instructor. It is a 6-digit code. The Add Authorization Code can only be used once and has an expiration date. Be sure to use this code on or before the expiration date. Failure to do so will prevent the student from adding the class.
- You must have a printout of your Mt. SAC student schedule and a photo ID.
- You must be eligible (have the appropriate prerequisites) for the class. If the course has required prerequisites, obtain a Prerequisite Verification Form from the appropriate Division Office or the Admissions and Records Office prior to attending the class you wish to add.
- Using your username and password, log in to the Mt. SAC Portal.
- Add the course by using the five-digit Course Reference Number (CRN) and the 6-digit Add Authorization Code.
- You must pay the required fees for any added classes.
Registration Terminology Explained:
Mt. San Antonio College strives to simplify the enrollment process for students. However, some terminology can be confusing. Here’s an explanation of some terms you may encounter during registration:
- New Student: A student who has never attended Mt. SAC before – even if you have attended another college, vocational school, or local high school.
- Returning Student: A student who has previously attended Mt. SAC but, for whatever reason, has missed two or more consecutive primary semesters (e.g., Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 are considered two consecutive primary semesters).
- Continuing Student: A student who has attended and enrolled in classes at Mt. SAC during the two most recent primary semesters (Fall and Spring semesters are considered our “primary” semesters and Winter and Summer sessions are considered “secondary” or “mini” terms).
- Prerequisite: A course or experience (e.g., a test) that must be completed before you take certain classes. If a class has a prerequisite, it will be noted in the course description within the Class Schedule and in the College Catalog. If you enroll in a class without meeting the prerequisite requirements, you may be dropped from the class.
- Advisory Prerequisite: A course that is not required to enroll but is recommended to help you succeed in the course.
- Corequisite: A course that must be taken during the same semester as the course for which it is listed as a corequisite. Corequisites are also noted in the course description. For example, if you want to take Class A and you see in the course description that Class B is a corequisite for Class A, that means you must take Class A and Class B during the same semester – so you must be sure to register for both. If you enroll in a class without meeting the corequisite requirements, you may be dropped from the class.
- Special Approval: A supplemental approval (override) required by the department/program.
- Credit Classes: These are typically courses designed for students interested in earning college credit toward a degree or certificate. Students taking credit courses will receive a letter grade (A, B, C, D, F, I, NP or P) at the end of the term.
- Noncredit Regular Fee-Based Classes: Our Noncredit program offers classes for students who want to develop skills for college, their career, or just to enrich their lives. Noncredit courses include Adult Basic Education, Adult High School Diploma, ESL, Skills Certificates, Noncredit Vocational Programs, and more. Noncredit classes do NOT count toward a degree. Upon completing a series of required classes, students can earn a noncredit certificate in many areas of Adult Basic Education, ESL, and vocational training.
- Noncredit Community Education Fee-Based Classes: Our Community Education program also offers noncredit, fee-based courses for recreation, personal development, and professional growth. Fee-based classes are self-supporting and not funded by taxpayer dollars. Fees are based on instructor salaries, the number of students enrolled, the length of the class, and administrative and operational costs.