NYC Landlord Registration Requirements with HPD

Property owners of residential buildings are required by law to register annually with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) if the residential property is a multiple dwelling (3+ dwelling units) or a private dwelling (1-2 dwelling units) where neither the owner nor any members of the owner’s immediate family reside.

The annual registration deadline is September 1st.

Building registration must also be filed annually or whenever there is a change in ownership or whenever information on the valid registration changes (e.g., new managing agent or superintendent). HPD uses the contact information provided in the registration for all official notices, as well as in the event of an emergency at the property.

Note that registering your property with HPD is not the same as registering your building and apartments with the New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR). If your property is subject to the Rent Stabilization Law, Code, or Agreement, you must register your building and apartments with HCR annually by July 31st. An annual registration for a given year filed after this date is considered late. Owners of rent-regulated accommodations are subject to a five hundred dollar penalty for each unregistered unit for each month the registration is late. Please see more information here.

The easiest way to register is by using HPD’s online Property Registration Online System (PROS). With this tool, owners and managing agents can:

  • Update a registration form annually or when changes occur. (You will still need to print, sign, and mail).
  • Create a new property registration.
  • Review and print building registration history and any forms that have been filed.
  • Receive email notifications when forms are accepted or rejected.
  • Link to the Department of Finance (DOF) to pay property registration fees.

Complete the form online and print it out, or fill out the form mailed to you. Once the form is completed, mail the signed and dated form by an authorized agent and the property owner listed on the registration form to:

Department of Housing Preservation and Development Church Street Station PO Box 3888 New York, NY 10008-3888

A $13 registration fee will be billed directly by the Department of Finance as part of your property tax Real Property Account statement, payable annually on July 1st.

If you wish to apply your payment solely to the Property Registration fee, you can pay online with a credit card at or visit a DOF Business Center.

If you wish to mail your payment, you must clearly indicate that the payment is for the Housing Property Registration fee and include the Borough, Block and Lot of the property on your check (this information is on your registration form). Please also indicate your Account Number, which is the property registration number for your property and make checks payable to the NYC Department of Finance. Mail payment to:

NYC Department of Finance PO Box 5536 Binghamton, NY 13902-5536

Once HPD receives your form and payment, HPD will notify you by mail or email. All notifications will be sent to the address of the managing agent identified on the form or to the owner if the owner is self-managing. If you do not receive an acknowledgment or corrected form within 2-4 weeks of submitting your form, you can check by using HPDONLINE or through your PROS account to verify you have a valid registration. Contact the Registration Assistance Unit if you have questions or concerns regarding corrections or inquiries.

As of December 8, 2023, and pursuant to Local Law 71 of 2023, Section 27-2107 of the New York City Administrative Code was amended to include the following: Any person who is required to file a registration statement or an amendment to a registration statement and who fails to file as required shall be subject to a civil penalty from $500 to $1,500 for multiple dwellings of five or fewer units and from $1,000 to $5,000 for multiple dwellings of more than five units. In addition, any person who willfully falsifies a registration document shall be subject to a penalty of $750 to $5,000. HPD shall void any statement required under this provision which is found to contain false information.

Buildings without a valid property registration may be issued a Violation and will not be eligible to certify violations, request Dismissal of Violation Orders, or commence court proceedings to recover possession of the premises based on non-payment of rent.

If you receive a registration Violation, you must register to clear it. When your registration is valid, HPD will automatically dismiss the violation; you do not need to take any further action. Follow the instructions on this page or on the back of the Violation to obtain a registration form or contact HPD with any questions.

Registration Assistance Unit
100 Gold Street, 6th Floor, Zone: E, New York, NY 10038
[email protected]


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