The deadline to register or re-register to vote for any election is 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time on the 15th day before that election. If you submit your application after this time, your application will still be processed for future elections. Please DO NOT use the online application to register or re-register to vote if you are participating in a confidential address program such as Safe at Home. If sharing your address could put your life in danger, you may be eligible to register to vote confidentially.
You can contact 800-345-8683 for assistance.
Where can I find more Election FAQs? Visit the complete FAQs for more information.
Where can I register to vote? You can submit your voter registration application through the Secretary of State’s website. You can also pick up an application at your county elections office, any Department of Motor Vehicles office, and many post offices, public libraries, and government offices. To have a paper application mailed to you, call your county elections office or the Secretary of State’s toll-free voter hotline at (800) 345-VOTE.
How do I register to vote? To register to vote, you must complete a short voter registration application on paper or online. When you register online, the system will search the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) database for your California driver license or identification card number, date of birth, and the last four digits of your social security number. If your information is found and you authorize elections officials to use your DMV signature, an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click “submit” at the end of the online application. If no signature is on file with the DMV, all of your information will be transferred to your county elections office; you simply click “print,” sign the paper application, and mail it in. Your county elections official will contact you when your voter registration application is accepted or if more information is needed to confirm your eligibility.
Can I vote online? Is online voter registration related to voting online? No. For security reasons, California law prohibits voting over the Internet. This also means that county elections officials cannot accept emailed marked ballots from military and overseas voters. If you are a voter as defined by the federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, you can only return your voted ballot to your county elections office by mail or fax.
You can find out more about business registration procedures, obtain copies of business documents, or look up your representatives. State information and laws are also available for reference. The voter registration process in Los Angeles is crucial for citizenship rights and allows you to participate in the democratic system.