Utah election law specifies that convicted felons are not permitted to vote or register to vote. However, their voting rights may be restored under certain circumstances.
According to state law, a convicted felon has their right to vote restored upon being placed on probation by a judge, being paroled by the Board of Pardons, or having completed the sentence for which they were convicted.
To register to vote in Utah, you must be a United States citizen, a resident of Utah for at least 30 days immediately preceding the election, and will be 18 years old on or before Election Day. You must also not be a convicted felon currently incarcerated for a felony offense.
The voter registration form requests personal information such as name, address, date of birth, and political party affiliation (optional). The form also includes an affidavit in which the voter affirms that they meet all the requirements to vote and are not a convicted felon currently incarcerated for a felony offense.
County clerks are responsible for maintaining voter registration lists and making them available for public inspection. Voter registration lists are public information and can be purchased by individuals and organizations. However, registered voters can request that their voter registration record be kept confidential, preventing their information from being included in lists sold to the public.
The law also provides for the establishment of a statewide voter registration database administered by the Lieutenant Governor. Each county clerk is required to provide the Lieutenant Governor with the county’s voter registration information and other data as requested. The Lieutenant Governor must also maintain a current list of all incarcerated felons in Utah and receive regular updates from the Department of Corrections regarding their incarceration status. This information is used to ensure that ineligible individuals are not permitted to vote.
The right to vote is a fundamental right, and it is important to ensure that all eligible citizens have the opportunity to exercise their right. By understanding the laws and regulations surrounding voter registration in Utah, individuals can take the necessary steps to participate in the democratic process.